A minimal interactive REPL (and scripting language) for defining, loading and reasoning with description logics knowledge bases. Built on top of SHAR and implemented in Scala. Useful for exploring knowledge bases, defining small knowledge bases, and including DL reasoning in Bash (et. al) scripts.
From Shapes to Shapes
From shapes to shapes (or s2s
in short) is a tool and library for inferring SHACL shapes that validate result graphs of SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. For more information, see the associated paper.
ProGS Validator
A prototype validator for the ProGS shape validation language for property graphs. Using Answer Set Programming (Clingo). Can validate graphs exported from Neo4j (openCypher).
Fuzzyphile is a nice CLI tool for piping fd
into fzf
into shell builtins. It provides utilities for both navigating and interacting with the file system in a very fuzzy way. Just a simple Python script, but incredibility useful.